Do you like mushrooms?
For my birthday, my family (looking at you, brother) spoiled me with different clays and a giant pottery wheel, and I'm a tad obsessed. Not with making fancy stuff like mugs, but rather with making tiny, colourful mushrooms.
...just, like, a lot of tiny, colourful mushrooms. Everywhere.
The cats have already stolen a bunch as they are apparently super fun to bat around. I made a few tiny apples, too, and they also loved getting their fluffy adorable paws on those. After a recovery mission that had me save every highly-playable-with mushroom, I failed to locate a tiny blue apple.
Then, I found it waiting for me on the kitchen counter, between the bread box and a cookie container, right-side up. So, yes, a cat could have deposited it there, OR—and hear me out—fairies did it.
Fairy circles are made of mushrooms after all, and I certainly have enough to create a distressing number of passageways to the fairy realm.
Not wanting to piss of the fae (if you've read Nigh, you know why), I've decided to gift some of these many, many mushrooms! (Please save me from fairies (and also myself).)
This weekend is your time to claim one of them, in two very fun events, one in-person and one virtual!
On Saturday, I'll be at the Writer’s Market Saturday at the Main Street Café (1626 Stittsville Main St, Stittsville, ON) from 1-4 PM! This fun event is sponsored by Re-Read Books, and should be amazing! I'll have all my of books and will read from Nigh. Maybe I'll even tell a story! Come pick up a book, and get a free mushroom! Buy a trilogy, and get THREE mushrooms! It's enough to create your very own fairy triangle!
Then, on Sunday, join me virtually for Arvcon, where we're doing a charity run from 12-8pm ET by playing a full day of Eberron! (I'm so excited for this!). You don't have to join the stream all day (though you're welcome to!) Simply hop on the stream and you'll see the link to donate to the Damon Runyon Cancer Center. Make a donation, email me the receipt (at this email address), and I'll get you your mushroom when our paths cross (I'll be at Gen Con, World Fantasy, and Can*Con...and many other places! We'll coordinate!) If you donate three figures, you get a whole fairy circle (aka five mushrooms), and you get to choose your colour scheme! It's an important cause, and I'll donate mushrooms to it any day.
Thanks for supporting me in avoiding a fae invasion!
Until next time, dear friend, mushroom on!
Glittery regards,